To treat osteochondrosis, gaymassage in Chicago can be performed using different manual practices.
Gay male massage will help relieve nerve endings tension and soreness in this area, improve tissue nutrition, relieve symptoms of a vertebral hernia, and relax your body in general.
The procedure of the classical gaymassage in Chicago begins with a light stroking of the lumbar area with the palms of the hands or the pads of the fingers. The next step of gaymassage is rubbing, which increases blood circulation, warms up the muscles, and improves tissue metabolism. The rubbing is done in a spiral or transverse manner with one or more fingers, with the palm, or with the whole hand. With osteochondrosis, gay male massage is one of the most effective treatments. If the gaymassage session is performed correctly, the patient will experience the following positive effects: It will help reduce or eliminate the pain syndrome and some other symptoms characteristic of this disease. Reduction of pain sensation and relief of muscle spasm.Normalization of blood flow in all parts of the spine.Removal of lactic acid, which accumulates in the muscles.Massage sessions for osteochondrosis of the lumbar, thoracic, cervical spinal areas should be performed regularly.